Non thermic film, with LDPE base, manufactured in multilayer co-extrusion system and different thickness.

The Aster range could be Diffused (D) or Transparent (T) in White (H) or Yellow (N) colour.


  • High Resistance to solar degradation and high temperatures.

  • Excellent mechanical resistance, giving an optimum performance against external conditions such as wind, rain, hail, etc…

  • As the film contains no thermic additives, it is not recommended for areas with sharp nocturnal and diurnal temperature differentials.

  • Diffused version has an excellent light diffusion effect, avoiding shadows and possible burning over the external part of the plant.

  • Transparent version has the minimum diffusion needed for those places with low luminosity.

  • The minimum duration guaranteed will depend on climatology, solar radiation of the zone and thickness of the film. Actually, the guarantee for this range can achieve 3 years, with 200 microns and 155 Klys.