
2018 Agricultural Season

2021-06-09T10:59:12+02:00June, 2018|Press, Seasons|

TRC5 Premium, a safe bet. The greenhouse cover TRC5 Premium is the cover with a guarantee of 3 years, as result of years of experience and field tests. Specially designed for Almería. Excellent mechanical and optical properties giving to the [...]

Disinfection Season – 2018

2021-06-09T11:00:04+02:00April, 2018|Other, Press, Seasons|

Why disinfects the ground? Disinfection is a basic key to guarantee an appropiate crop production, very important for intensive and with great value crops. Fumigation or Disinfection can substantially improve quality seedling and harvest yields: Weeds reduction, Diseases and parasite [...]

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